Been Too Long…

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything here. The end of the school year is one main reason, the summer days spent with my kiddos is another reason.

I have also been working on editing the Geometry text I wrote last summer. I have to admit that it has not been as rewarding as the initial writing was. I mostly spent time undoing silly typos, trying to clean up some explanations, and formatting so that it is easier to read along with. I received feedback from our students who made it through the maiden voyage of this text and my teammates were great at catching some silly typos and giving me constructive feedback regarding layout. So, I am happy to share this link to my dropbox where you can find a PDF of the 2nd edition of my text as well as a folder containing all of the HW assignments we wrote last year for the text. We did not make it through all of the sections, so there are some HW gaps. I am hoping we can pace ourselves better this year. If we can, I’ll be uploading any new HW docs as we move along. I will also try to keep track of any other documents we create along the way as classroom practice, as explorations, as review notes, etc.

I have to give credit to a series of amazing blog posts recently by Meg Craig (@mathymeg07) where she has been sharing a goldmine of classroom resources. You should hope over to her website – to see what she has been sharing. Your life will be better after you do!

In five days I will be heading out west to twittermathcamp15. I will report back after that.

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