
So, today we saw school cancelled due to the cold weather here. Woke up to an air temp below zero and wind chill about 20 below. Took the morning to finish the first of my weekly problem day assignments. I’m sticking to my guns and using this Thursday as our first class work day despite losing today to the weather. I sent out a parametric/polar practice sheet to my kids and asked them to spend some time with Desmos. Tomorrow we’ll be in the computer lab working with Desmos (gotta get started on that doc next) and then we’ll have our problem day. I’ll report back on how it goes. The doc I created that is linked above is a collection of stuff I’ve scoured from the web.

3 thoughts on “Brrr…”

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I, too, fall prey to this. It is one of the signals I pay attention to in deciding whether a problem is worth including. If I don’t get intrigued by a question, there is not much hope that my students will.

  1. That’s a fun problem set, just looked through it and now I have something to do while I am at another training. I have to say it was 71 here yesterday, we are having spring weather in January. I hope it all goes well and I wonder how it goes.

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