
That’s right. It’s wintery and snowy here in NE PA and I am thinking about the summer. It’s not because I want this school year to end in a hurry. I am enjoying my classes and students too much for that. No, I’m thinking about the summer because an amazing opportunity has presented itself. Tina Cardone – she of the terrific Drawing on Math blog and the mastermind / editor of Nix The Tricks recently reached out to me and asked me to attend Twitter Math Camp ’14 and to help her in running the Precalculus offering in the mornings that week. I’m flattered beyond my ability to put it in words. Looking at the list of people who’ll be there makes me think I need to go around with a sharpie to get autographs on my lovely MTBoS shirt that Jen Silverman designed. We worked up a description of what we hope to accomplish through a lively google doc discussion. We ended up with the following

Current and future PreCalculus teachers! You are invited to join us for a workshop centered around collaboration. There will be time for looking back (topics from Algebra 2 that need reinforcing), looking forward (what will students need for Calculus) and looking side to side (topics students should study to be proficient in math as well as appreciate the fun and beauty of the subject). Be prepared to rave about your favorite topic and rant about your most dreaded one. After that’s off your chest, we’ll get down to work with enthusiastic and creative colleagues. You’ll win them over with your favorite lesson ideas and you’ll find some exciting ways to present your dreaded topics.

Not sure if your course falls under the title of PreCalculus? Tweet us and ask!

Tina @crstn85 and Jim @mrdardy

The camp meets in Jenks, OK (near Tulsa). I have felt so energized by the connections I’ve been making with many of the people I’ll finally meet there. Can’t wait and I am doing a quiet countdown in the back of my head already.

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