It Takes a Village

I have a math related post brewing in my head, but I want to take a moment to relate a story from this past crazy week. In NE PA we have had cold and snow for days and the last time our high school started at 8 AM was a week ago on Thursday. We had a scheduled day off on Monday , three two-hour delays and a late start due to a faculty meeting. My children go to our lower school about three miles away and they take a bus isn’t he morning. On these delay days I am not entirely confident of timing with my kids on the bus and my students lining up for morning class. So, I tend to take my children to school a bit early and get to class. With other young children on campus we share trips down the avenue. Friday morning as I was waiting in the side stairwell with my two kids, waiting for a neighbor to pick them up, my phone rang. It was another neighbor offering to take my boy in with his daughter since they each have band practice. The idea that multiple people are offering to take my kids to school is pretty heartwarming.

Last night my son’s middle school basketball team was invited to have a scrimmage during half time of the varsity game and then they joined the big boys for a pizza party. A great community night. Tonight in the dining hall my five year old daughter was playing tag with a sophomore in the high school running around the place.

there are certainly some drawbacks to living Ina dorm and being on duty pretty much all the time. The past few days remind me of the benefits of this situation.

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