Highlights of a Stressful Week

So, there have been many scattered thoughts on my mind in the past week but there are also three things that happened that are just completely awesome.

  1. My pal John Golden (@mathhombre on twitter) steered a number of his teacher training students over to a post on my blog and twelve of them chimed in with comments. Totally cool! One of them decided to follow my blog and I took the time to respond to each of them. LOVE the idea of new teachers in training dipping their toes into this rich world of teachers blogging and sharing. I am also flattered that John thought my virtual home here was worth a visit.
  2. I woke up Wednesday morning with a message on twitter from a teacher in Louisiana who asked if he could use my Geometry book at his school next year. I am so excited by the idea that this work might be used at another school.
  3. In my Geometry class this week we are talking about angle and arc relationships. One of my students stayed after class one day this week and she had this to say. “You know, I was thinking, when will this be important? I mean, when will I need to find an arc length like that? Then I realized that the work we are doing to find that length is what is important. Pretty cool.” Wow.

3 thoughts on “Highlights of a Stressful Week”

  1. I just looked at your book – no promises to use it with any sort of primacy, but I’d LOVE to be able to use pieces of it next year! We have a text that I use exclusively for problems, and also build our own texts/notebooks over the course of the year using OneNote; if I could integrate pieces of your book into our OneNote that would be really helpful. It looks neat, and I like how it starts with coordinate geometry; I’ve been considering that change next year.

  2. David
    I would be totally flattered to have you use any parts of the text at your school. I am hard at work on some edits that I hope to have completed by early June. Here is a dropbox link to the HW assignments I’ve been writing – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cs7kstgsq0ir7gf/AACIQxqKpxFHVHmVIYYF8KiTa?dl=0
    I’ll let you know when the edited book is done and up and I will continue to upload HW assignments as we move along.
    Thank you SO much for taking a look at it.

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