Scouring for Resources

In a couple of weeks I will be presenting a session at the ECET2NJPA conference. I’m pretty thrilled about this opportunity to network with other educators and to sing my love song to the MTBoS community. The presentation I pitched is called Escaping the Tyranny of the Textbook. I presented a version of this previously at a summer conference for the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The focus of my presentation is to help build a network of people to support each other in the creation (and curation) of meaningful classroom experiences without having to rely on textbook publishers to always be the resource of activities, worksheets, practice problem sets, etc. Those of us who are engaged in the MTBoS know that there are an ocean of resources available to us – blogs, twitter feeds, the MTBoS Search Engine , various virtual file cabinets, etc. I incorporated a bunch of these links into my presentation to PCTM because I had a pretty targeted audience. I expect a wider range of classroom interests in my upcoming presentation, so I want to broaden the scope of the links and resources I highlight. This is where you, my dear readers, come in. Please share with me here in the comments or over on twitter (remember – there I am @mrdardy) any rich resources for social studies teachers, or English teachers, or World Language teachers, or elementary ed folks, etc etc etc


Thanks in advance for any wisdom!

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